(1) Do we each need a web site of our own?
If you can't provide your own web page, I can display your student's illustration. In this case, it's easier for you because all you have to do is to send them via email, though your students can't enjoy creating their own web page. It's on your choice. If you will provide your own one, send me its web page address so that. I can put a hyper link from the top page.

This is the top page

(2) Do we want individual student profiles?
At first, we were talking about having each students' profile, but we run out of time. So what about a group picture or group description? That could be sufficient at this point.

(3) Can we all still write stories and poems?
Each group will provide a minimum of one story/poem.

(4) Will we still illustrate what we receive?
Illustrations or possible other forms could be used, too, like sketches on video for example. In any case, these arts should be forms that are suitable for web page. Will you make a contact with me beforehand if you are trying to create other than illustrations and ask me to display them.

(5) Do we want anything more than this?
Traveling teddy will be sent to Italy, then later, it will be sent to you.

Peace project (2006 19th, March)

This page is a "Q&A" for the peace project management. These agreements were made through the discussion or message via emails since last November, when Noni kindly proposed continuing the peace project though my poor managent. I hope this guideline would be of some help to you and your students, and feel free to drop a line among the project members.
Akira Nakajima
Malaysia (8 peace stories)